Hot Toys
Predator - Major Alan Dutch Schaefer |
-Hot Toys muscular body with over 21 points of articulation
-Authentic likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger with camouflage face paint
-Sleeveless shirt
-Long sleeve shirt
-Assault vest
-Pistol belt
-Trouser belt
-M16 with M203 grenade launcher
-Drop leg holster
-Combat knife with sheath
-Machete with sheath
-Tactical gloves
-12-inch figure stand with Predator logo
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An alien spacecraft enters the Earth's atmosphere and jettisons a pod, which descends into a Central American jungle. Later, Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) arrives in the same area with his elite team for an operation to rescue a presidential cabinet minister who had been abducted by guerrilla forces. The team consists of Mac Eliot (Bill Duke), Blain Cooper (Jesse Ventura), Billy Sole (Sonny Landham), Jorge "Poncho" Ramirez (Richard Chaves), and Rick Hawkins (Shane Black). Dutch's old military friend George Dillon (Carl Weathers), now working for the CIA, accompanies them as a liaison. The team is inserted into the jungle by helicopter and begins its hunt...
de de l'équipe le 24/10/2018Bonjour,
Vu l'ancienneté de la figurine, nous ne pouvons malheureusement rien faire.
Vous pouvez néanmoins tenter de le reconstituer via des pièces détachées.
de meurville jean-marc le 24/10/2018elle est en rupture de stock
je voudrais vraiment l'avoir (HOT TOYS
Predator - Major Alan Dutch Schaefer)
pourriez vous faire quelque chose??
merci cordialement: meurville jean-marc