Detroit 8 Mile Road |
- Watch Hat (Deep Blue)
- Denim Jacket (Blue)
- Hooded Swearshirt (Blue)
- Hip-Hop Denim Jeans (Light Blue)
- Webbing Belt with Metal Buckle (Deep Blue)
- Underwear (White)
- Headsculpt "E"
- Body
- Pair Bendable Hands
- V150 Headphones
- Walkman
- Wireless Microphone
- Ballpoint Pen
- Flyer
- Direct Attach Soft Toe Work Boots (Tan) |
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8 Mile
The film begins with Jimmy Smith (Eminem), a young and unhappy blue collar worker from a poor family, struggling with different aspects of his life. He has moved back north of 8 Mile Road to the rundown trailer home in Warren, Michigan of his alcoholic mother, Stephanie (Kim Basinger), his sister Lily (Chloe Greenfield), and Stephanie's abusive live-in boyfriend Greg (Michael Shannon). Jimmy is focused on getting his music career started, but he seems unable to catch a break. Just prior to the events of the film, he ends a relationship with his girlfriend, Janeane (Taryn Manning), and during the film, begins a new relationship with Alex (Brittany Murphy), whom he meets at the factory when she shows up one day looking for her brother.
Jimmy comes to realize that his life has remained largely the same since he graduated high school. At first, he considers himself a victim of his circumstances and blames others for his problems. Over time, though, Jimmy begins to take more responsibility for the direction of his life...
de Danielle G. le 30/01/2018
Excellent product, the resemblance is amazing. There is just a little probleme with the shoes that are a little damaged but nothing noticible. A great gift for any eminem fan
de Kevin D. le 07/08/2017
Colis bien reçu , à l'ouverture du paquet les chaussures sont toute écorcher, de très mauvaise qualité , limite impossible à manipuler pour ne pas empirer la tombe des morceaux , sinon le reste est très bien , ( je précise que j'ai envoyer un message de mécontentement et qu il étais prêt à me rembourser en échange du retour du colis )
de Carlos B. le 13/05/2017
Tengo un problema con las botas, ya que se les sueltan trozos en la parte alta de la bota, el resto todo bien. Envío perfecto.
de patrick L. le 15/03/2017
from DAIZINGER !!!
les plus : super reproduction du visage, set vêtement terrible !
les moins : ...
valeur sure